Touching the Void is a documentation about two alpinists, Joe Simpson and Simon Yates, who climb the west face of Siula Grande in Peru. On their way back from the summit to the base camp Simpson falls down a slope and breaks his leg. Yates decides to rope Simpson down the mountain, but finally Simpson falls again. Being unable to help him anymore, Yates cuts the rope between them and descends alone, because he perceives Simpson as dead. But Simpson, despite the pain of a broken leg and serious dehydration, manages to rescue himself in an exhausting descent.

The movie is based on a book, which I read some years ago, and similar to a lot of book-based movies, one does not experience things like the claustrophobic situation of Simpson in the crevasse that detailed like when reading the book.

Nontheless the movie is packed with an absorbing story, great pictures and "intimate" confessions of the protagonists. Especially Simpon's story about not giving up and fighting pain and emerging lunacy massively affected me.

Conclusion: Awesome movie. 9.9 out of 10 points.

Written on 23 May 04 07:39 PM.